Every person should have one frying pan in their kitchen that they love. Cooking is not always a joy, but it should never be a burden. Having a good pan that cooks evenly and is not hard to clean is something that everyone should have, but they are harder to find then one might think. Unless you have hundreds to spend on your pots and pans, you are going to have to do some searching for the best pans you can find within your price range. Some start out well, but they never seem to last very long. I got a great frying pan for my wedding that I thought would be one I could use for a very long time. The girl that bought it for me told me that it had a warranty on it, so I thought it would be around for at least ten years. It was not three years into my marriage that the frying pan that should have lasted began to act up. The coating was coming up, and even thought I took good care of it, and everything was sticking. I was disappointed, as you can imagine. I have yet to find a frying pan that will work as well as that one did. I can’t afford the pricier pans, and that may be the reason I can’t find a good one. I may have to break down and spend a painful amount of money on a frying pan so that I know I have something that is going to work well and won’t peter out on me within a few years. Though some inexpensive models can work well for a while, they always wear out, even with the best care possible. Finding a good frying pan might mean finding someone who has one, and then asking them for recommendations. Looking through the stores can help, but there may be more information online. There are reviews of just about everything you can imagine online, and you are sure to find some that pertain to a type or brand of frying pan that you are considering for purchase. If you find one with great reviews, you may want to buy that pan to see how well it performs for you. If it does well, or if it fails miserably, you should perhaps write a review of your own to help out the next person who is searching online for the perfect pan.
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