Kitchen Set Up

Kitchen ToolKit

Cooking Utensils

Food and Recipes

Gas Stove Maintenance

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Caring and Cleaning Tips for Gas StoveCurrently all households now are using gas stoves for their kitchen. And no wonder,many different types and forms of gas stoves are sold in supermarkets and stores. For those of you who are friends with the kitchen once in a while should pay attention to cleanliness for the safety of your households. Occasionally check...

Simply Fried Chicken

Friday, August 13, 2010

RECIPE INGREDIENTS 2 cups all-purpose flour 2 T. cornstarch 2 tsp. salt ...

Let's Make a Better Kitchen by Yourself

Monday, August 9, 2010

Variety Kitchen EquipmentsOne of the most important factor in developing a kitchen is the kitchen equipment (kitchen equipment). Kitchen equipment should be planned as soon as possible to fit the design of the kitchen. Kitchen special electronic equipment (such as refrigerator, dishwasher and microwave). Its should be more economical power and radiation effects...

Toaster Oven

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Kitchen appliances have come along way since our grandmother's time. Just fifty years ago, a woman was proud to have an electric coffee pot! She thought she'd died and gone to heaven when the electric frying pan came on the market. Now, if you rent or buy an older home, you'll find yourself in trouble if you try to run that electric frying pan, the microwave...

2009 ·Kitchen Review by TNB